Sunday 21 February 2016

Liebster award!!!

Hi everyone! I am so happy to say I have been nominated for the Liebster award by Rose from . I just want to say thankyou for nominating me and I'm just going to get straight on to the questions!!!

1) What is your favourite season?

My favourite season would have to be winter because I love the excitement of the build up to Christmas and I love starting a new year. I also would say it my favourite because I get the chance to get out my cosy clothes and sit in front of the telly with a Christmas film on, in my onsie with a nice dominoes pizza and treats!

2) What was your least favourite age to be?

Hmm, I'm not to sure on this on as I've only experienced 13 ages aha but my least favourite age was probably 11 because I'd just started secondary school and its was hard to adjust to such a big change and also I feel like when your 11 you feel older and like you have more responsibility but actually your still a child and still get treated like one haha!

3) If you could learn a new language what would it be?

If I could learn a new language I would probably choose Spanish because it would probably be the most use useful to do but I'm already learning it in school now so if I could choose to learn any other language I think maybe Italian or welsh I love the way they both speak!

4) What shop do you buy most of your clothes from?

This one fro me is quite easy as I seem to go back to one shop all the time and can always rely on that shop if I am looking for a new outfit or anything specific which is new look. Its really affordable (most of the time) it has the style I love, always has new fashion trends in and the clothes seem to always fit nicely on me so yeah definitely new look.

5) What's your favourite board game?

This is hard for me as I don't often play board games but when I do I enjoy monopoly and Pictionary if that counts.

6) Why do you blog?

This is such a good question and I blog because I feel like I don't have to try hard to impress anyone and I've always wanted to start a youtube channel but I never have due to self confidence and wondering what people will think of me but blogging is more anonymous and private and I can write what I would say on youtube and not worry about it.

7) What was the first thing you did this morning when you woke up?

Netflix obviously! Aha, I got the laptop and caught up on some 90210 (the series I'm watching at the moment on Netflix) and I checked my phone and blog straight away too and replied to comments on my blog, instagram, snapchat, dms you know all the usual haha!

8) What was the best holiday you ever went on?

The best holiday I have ever been on was a cruise I went on last year with my best friend Eleanor and we shared a cabin (room on the ship for any of you that weren't sure what I meant) travelled around the canary islands and had a really good time and enjoyed ourselves way too much.

9) If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?

If I could be anywhere right now it would be on a road trip around America with my closest friends, having fun, making memories, visiting places like the empire state building, the Hollywood sign, central park, statue of liberty, time square just basically all the most well known places in America!

10)  Do you have any pets?

At the moment, no, I don't. My little dog Louis died last august after I got back from holiday, he was 7 and he meant the world to me. I would love a new dog, and hopefully I can persuade my parents to let us get a new one!

Last question, 11) Do you play any sports?

No, I'm not really that sporty at all but I don't mind netball in school but most other sports don't interest me at all and I don't enjoy playing them.

There we have it, all questions done. I loved doing that and if there are any tags you guys might want me to do then let me know down in the comments or even if you have any questions of your own for me be sure to let me know!
Any way I nominate:

The pretty things -
Talkative Girl -
Hello world -
@lice in the re@l world -
What Lexie Loves -
Bright Life by Bethany -
It'z Nicole -
It's Izzy. -
Little Old Me -
Amy Rose -
Kate Rose xo -

Here are your questions:

1) Who is your favourite blogger and why?
2) Do you watch youtubers, if so, who are your favourites?
3) Do you have any pets?
4) Favourite song at the moment?
5) What show did you watch all the time as a kid?
6) Favourite time of the year (Easter, birthday, Christmas etc.)?
7) First thing you do in the morning?
8) Favourite treat to have?
9) Where would you love to visit on holiday?
10) Worst habit?
11) Why do you blog?

So that's it for now, but I'll be back soon!
If you have any ideas for me please let me know its really helpful and appreciated.
Bye everyone!!!

Liv x

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